Dec. 29
Adult | Lesson 169
The Ascension of Jesus
Jesus returns to sit at the right hand of the Father.
Studying God’s Word
Group Prayer
Lesson Resources
Attributes of God poster
Lesson 169 Printable Resources
PowerPoint presentation
open_in_newWhose Commission
Lesson Focus
Jesus’ last command to his followers was that they preach the gospel and make disciples of all nations. All believers share in that same responsibility and are called to go to all nations with the gospel of truth. This is important because the gospel is the good news, and it alone can bring eternal life. After giving these final instructions, Jesus ascended to sit at the right hand of the Father.
Key Passages
Matthew 28:18–20; Acts 1:1–11; Romans 10:9–17
Students will be able to:
- Explain the purpose of Jesus’ final instructions.
- Understand why Jesus returned to heaven.
Memory Verse
1 John 5:4–5 For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?
Prepare to Share
CCome On In
Come On In
Write on the board, “Are you obeying the great commission?”
AStudying God’s Word
Studying God’s Word
Use Student Guides or print the Whose Commission? activity.
Optional Supplements
You may want to use the PowerPoint presentation provided to enhance your teaching. Before opening the slides, be sure to download and install the fonts provided.
Studying God’s Word
- Write on the board, “Are you obeying the great commission?”
For the last couple weeks, we have been looking at the glorious truths surrounding the resurrection of our Lord and Savior. We saw that the Bible clearly teaches that his resurrection was just as important for our salvation as was his death on the cross. As we think about and talk about the gospel, we need to remember that our redemption and justification are bound up in the perfect life, the wrath-absorbing death, and the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. All of those things are true and necessary in God’s plan of salvation.
Next week, we are going to take some time to dig into some of the apologetic aspects of the resurrection. Many people have tried to explain away the reality of Jesus rising from the dead, so we are going to prepare our minds to respond to some of those challenges, looking to Scripture as our authority.
To those Jesus appeared to, he did so in a way that was undeniable—by many proofs (appearances), he demonstrated that he was alive. This happened at least 10 times over a period of 40 days. But Jesus didn’t just appear to prove he was alive. He also continued to teach his disciples during this time.
Last week, we focused on the period after the resurrection and the appearances of Jesus to his followers. Today, we are going to look at the compelling final words of Jesus to the disciples before he ascended to sit at the right hand of the Father.
Make Disciples
Let’s read Matthew 28:18–20 together. Have someone read the passage aloud.
Since this is a familiar passage to many of you, we need to make sure that we slow down and truly examine the text. Some of you may have heard a lot of teaching on this passage over the years. But we want to approach a familiar text like this one with as few preconceived ideas as possible to make sure that we are listening to the text, not telling the text what we already believe.
- Whom does “them” refer to? Looking back to verse 16, it is the 11 disciples. This is consistent with the two angels in Acts 1:10–11 referring to them as men of Galilee.
- How did Jesus appear to them? He was in bodily form after his resurrection.
- Where did this happen? The immediate text indicates it was in Galilee.
Many people believe that Matthew was describing Jesus’ final words before his ascension. But that leads to an issue that we must work to harmonize. Let’s look at some parallel context.
- Where does Luke 24:50–51 place the ascension? Near the city of Bethany.
- Where does Acts 1:12 place the ascension? The Mount of Olives, where Bethany is located just east of Jerusalem.
- What can we conclude about Matthew’s record of the timing of these events? Because we know Jesus was with them for 40 days before the ascension into heaven (Acts 1:1–3) and that the Luke and Acts passages place the ascension in Bethany on the Mount of Olives, Matthew was condensing the time, and there is a gap between verses 17 and 18. Or Matthew was recording a separate occasion in Galilee where Jesus gave similar instructions.
- What level of authority does Jesus possess? He has all authority.
- How extensive is his authority? He has all authority in heaven and earth. This is a figure of speech known as a merism, where the idea is to communicate everything by using the phrase “heaven and earth.”
- How did he receive this authority? It was given to him.
- Who gave him this authority? While the text does not say, we understand it to be given by the Father. Passages like Matthew 11:27 and John 3:35 support this.
- Why were the disciples to “go” (the “therefore” indicates a reason)? Jesus was giving them a command based on his authority as Lord.
- What three things were the disciples commanded to do? To make disciples, to baptize, and to teach the disciples all that Jesus had commanded.
- What idea is implicit in Jesus’ command to “make disciples”? In order to make disciples, they had to be told of the message of Jesus (the gospel) and then respond to the message, becoming a follower of the teachings of Jesus. In short, the gospel has to be proclaimed so that people can respond to it. While we often point to this passage as the proof text of evangelism, Jesus never actually tells them what to do to make disciples; we must infer that from this and other passages.
- Who were to be made disciples? People of all nations.
- What doctrine is clearly communicated in the form of baptism described by Jesus? This is a clear statement of the Trinity, naming each of the persons of the Godhead specifically and all three as one name (“in the name”).
- What was to be taught to these new disciples? To observe all that Jesus had taught his disciples. “Commandments” in this verse has the connotation of spoken teachings rather than written laws.
- What does the word “observe” mean in this context? Rather than “to look at” something, it has the sense of obeying a command. We use this word when we speak of observing a holiday tradition.
- What promise did Jesus give the disciples? He promised them that he will be with them to the end of the age.
- What does “the end of the age” refer to? It refers to the second coming, the Consummation in our 7 C’s of History framework.
- How could Jesus be with the disciples if he was about to ascend into heaven? This is an allusion to the coming of the Holy Spirit. Passages like Romans 8:9–11, Philippians 1:19, and Galatians 4:6 connect the Holy Spirit to Christ, and Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit in John 14:15–18, Acts 1:4–5, and other places.
Discover the Truth
Let’s think about the words we use to describe this event—the great commission. The basic idea of the word “commission” is to join the mission of another person—com-mission. Today, we talk of a military officer being commissioned into service under the authority of the government. That is exactly what Jesus was calling these disciples to do—to come alongside his mission. What was his mission? To seek and save the lost. Jesus lived a perfect life, died upon the cross, and then rose from the dead. Now the message of that triumph over sin needed to be spread. And we cannot call that anything other than a great task. They were to be witnesses to the people in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and then to the ends of the earth.
- What two attributes of God does Jesus demonstrate in describing his authority and commanding the disciples? Refer to the Attributes of God poster. Sovereignty and omnipotence are demonstrated in his absolute power and authority.
Go! This was the command of the Lord. What could the disciples do but submit themselves to the call to go and tell everyone about the salvation that Jesus had purchased for sinners who had rebelled against their Creator? While it would be a few more days of waiting, the Holy Spirit would come to empower them to carry out this mission, and the gospel would begin to be spread to the ends of the earth.
We typically call this activity of spreading the gospel evangelism from the Greek word euangelion, which means “good news.” The disciples were to be evangelists and spread the message of forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ.
Whose Commission? Activity
But wait! This command was given to the 11 disciples and possibly some others who may have been with them, so where do we fit in? That is the question I would like you to consider. In your Student Guide, you will find the Whose Commission? activity. Work in small groups to answer the questions there based on the passages provided. Have the students work in pairs or small groups to complete the activity. Assist the groups as needed.
Connect to the Truth
Let’s talk about your answers.
As we think about the great commission, we might think of it as a global game of “Telephone” continuing through the ages. One disciple shares the gospel message and makes another disciple, who makes another, who makes another, and so on as the gospel is spread around the world and throughout time. But it involves much more than just sharing the gospel; it involves uniting believers to the church through baptism and continuing discipleship through the teaching of the Scriptures and fellowship in a local congregation. Whether we do that in our own neighborhoods and workplaces, or we travel to foreign lands, God can use us to gather many to himself so they may also offer him the worship he deserves.
- Do you believe that you are responsible to spread the good news of the gospel as an evangelist? Discuss various answers.
- In Matthew 28:18–20, the disciples were commanded to spread the gospel, make disciples, and teach those disciples all that Jesus had taught them. If Jesus taught the disciples to spread the gospel, would the new disciples be responsible for spreading the gospel, too? This seems to be a natural conclusion; part of being a disciple is to share the message of our Lord and Savior with others.
- In Luke 24:46–48, Jesus addressed the disciples. To whom were they to preach the gospel? Is this possible for this small group of disciples who lived nearly 2,000 years ago? They were to preach to all nations. So this seems to imply an ongoing effort through more than just these few people and for a time beyond their short lives.
- In 2 Corinthians 5:18–21, what role do those who have been reconciled in Christ have? They are ambassadors for Christ to seek reconciliation between sinners and God, offering others the same hope of salvation they have been given.
- How has your answer to the first question changed in light of these passages? Discuss various answers. Some may understand that evangelism is a spiritual gift, but there are no passages that support this plainly (Ephesians 4:11 is often used, but this passage seems to be referring to the “office” of an evangelist or a training evangelist). Knowing what we have received in Christ should stir our hearts to share that hope and forgiveness with others.
- What hinders you most from being bold as an ambassador of Jesus Christ and his gospel? Discuss various answers and challenge the students to pray, asking God to remove any fears or doubts that they have (Colossians 4:2–6; Ephesians 6:20). Discuss becoming equipped to share the gospel and various training programs available, offering encouragement rather than guilt or manipulation. The Gospel Reset Evangelism Curriculum is available through the website.
Jesus Ascends
After rising from the dead, Jesus remained on the earth for about 40 days, revealing himself to his disciples and giving them final instructions. After commissioning his disciples as missionaries and preachers, he ascended into heaven.
Let’s turn to Acts 1:1–11 to read about the ascension. Have someone read the passage aloud.
- What connection is made in the first verse? This book is addressed to Theophilus and refers to a previous book that dealt with what Jesus did and taught, clearly connecting Acts to the Gospel of Luke. Luke wrote Acts, picking up where he left off at the end of his Gospel account.
- How did Luke set up this account? He began in the first few verses with a summary of what had been happening. Jesus had presented himself alive to many during 40 days, teaching about the kingdom of God and giving them final commandments before being taken up to heaven.
- Last week, we saw that Jesus commanded the disciples to go to Galilee. Why did Luke say that Jesus commanded them to remain in Jerusalem? When we understand this timeline, there is no contradiction here. Jesus told the disciples to go to Galilee, where he met with the seven disciples at the Sea of Galilee and then to many disciples (likely over 500 at once as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 15:6). Luke picks up the account nearly a month later (i.e., near the end of 40 days) when the disciples had returned to Jerusalem, where Jesus would ascend. Jesus told them to wait in Jerusalem (after his ascension) for the promise of the Father.
- What promise were they to wait for? The Holy Spirit.
- How long would they have to wait? Not many days.
- What did the disciples expect Jesus to do in these final moments? They expected him to restore the kingdom to Israel, apparently in some sort of military or government action.
- How did Jesus answer them? Jesus did not answer their question, explaining that it was not their place to know. In the meantime, they had a job to do—proclaim the good news of Jesus to the end of the earth.
- How would they be empowered to perform this task? They would be empowered by the Holy Spirit.
- What happened as he finished saying these things? He was lifted up and a cloud took him from their sight.
- What message did the two men bring? They shook the disciples out of their wonder, reminding them that Jesus was not gone forever. He would return in the same way they had seen him go.
Discover the Truth
It must have been an amazing sight to see Jesus ascending into heaven, being lifted up before their very eyes. But the disciples had been entrusted with many amazing things to share. The disciples now understood all Jesus had been teaching about his death and resurrection. Jesus had opened their minds to understand the Scriptures when he appeared to them in the locked room. But they were still unsure how things would end. In their final moments with Jesus, they asked about the consummation of all things. When would Jesus restore the kingdom? Jesus didn’t answer their question but reassured them that they would not be left alone.
Jesus had defeated death and the grave; he had accomplished what he came to earth to accomplish. Now he must return to the Father so that the disciples could be empowered to do their job. On the night of his arrest, Jesus had told the disciples that it was advantageous to them that he leave so that the Holy Spirit could be sent. Let’s read the promise described in John 16:7–15. Have someone read the passage.
- How is it better that we have the Holy Spirit with us rather than the presence of Jesus on earth? Discuss answers. The Holy Spirit would not walk beside them as Jesus had done, but dwell within each believer, working in them toward sanctification.
As the writer of Hebrews explained, Jesus’ work was finished. He had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins. Having accomplished that, he sat down at the right hand of the Father, waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool. Then the Holy Spirit was sent to bear witness to us, writing the new covenant on our hearts and minds (Hebrews 10:12–18). Jesus ascended to the Father because his earthly job was finished. And when he left, he sent the indwelling Holy Spirit who would comfort, help, bring to remembrance, guide, and empower the followers of Jesus. In a few weeks, we will look more closely at the coming of the promised Holy Spirit.
Proclaim the Gospel
As Jesus prepared to ascend, he redirected the disciples’ focus to the responsibility before them—to proclaim the gospel. We are going to examine a passage from the book of Romans to help us understand the importance of spreading the gospel.
Turn to Romans 10, where Paul wrote about the importance of spreading the gospel. While the immediate context of this passage is Paul speaking of the Israelites, the principles he used apply to all people as the gospel is proclaimed. We’re looking at verses 9–17. Have someone read the passage aloud.
- According to this passage, what are the aspects of receiving salvation? Confessing Jesus as Lord and believing God has raised him from the dead brings righteousness.
- Whom is Jesus Lord over? Both the Jew and Greek.
- How does God respond to those who call on him? He is rich toward them, offering salvation.
- What does this phrase “call on him” imply? This is parallel to confessing Jesus as Lord. While the idea is not explicitly stated here, this involves repenting of sin and trusting that Jesus has paid the penalty for those sins and was raised to life (see Mark 1:15; Acts 3:19, 20:21).
- What must happen before someone can call on the Lord for salvation? They must believe in him.
- What must happen before someone can believe in the Lord? They must hear about him.
- What must happen for someone to hear of the Lord’s salvation? A preacher must deliver the message.
- What must happen for the preacher to tell of the Lord’s salvation? He must be sent.
- How does this passage describe those who preach the gospel? They have beautiful feet.
- How is the gospel described in verse 15? The gospel is called the good news.
- How do people respond to the gospel? They either obey or disobey the preaching of the gospel.
- What does the fact that not all have obeyed the gospel imply about the gospel message? More than just an offer of salvation, it is a command. You cannot disobey an offer or a suggestion.
- How does Acts 17:30–31 affirm this interpretation? Paul stated clearly that God commands all men everywhere to repent or face judgment. Remind the students of the principle of letting Scripture interpret Scripture rather than allowing outside ideas influence our interpretation.
- Back in Romans 10:17, how does faith come to unbelievers? Faith comes by hearing the word of Christ.
- What does “the word of Christ” refer to? This phrase is not a synonym for the Bible, as some assert. While the Bible is the Word of God, the Greek word for “word” here is rhema—referring to a spoken word. The immediate context of this passage indicates that here the phrase refers to the message of the gospel of Christ that Paul has just been talking about from verse 9, making “word of Christ” a preferred rendering (some versions use “word of God”). However, it is in the Bible that we find the revealed message of the gospel of Christ, so the ideas are connected.
Discover the Truth
Paul made the importance of the proclamation of the gospel very clear. Without the preaching of the gospel, no one can believe in Christ, receive salvation, and become reconciled to God. And proclamation cannot happen without someone proclaiming that truth.
In our modern context, the word “preacher” has a very specific connotation of a man standing behind a pulpit delivering a sermon. But the Greek word root used for “preach” and “preacher” is kerysso, which has the meaning of delivering a message with authority. Think of a herald—someone who is sent in the name of a king to deliver a message to his subjects. Or a more contemporary example would be a spokesperson announcing some new technological device that will change your life. From that initial proclamation, the message spreads, and those who believe in the message spread it further and then stand in a line for 18 hours to get the new device.
While translated differently, it is the same word used in Mark 7:36 where the man healed by Jesus (and those around him) “proclaimed” what Jesus had done. They had just witnessed a miracle of healing, and they could not help but proclaim that good news to those around them.
If we have been raised from being dead in our sins to alive in Christ, a true miracle made possible only through Christ, how could we do anything but proclaim that to everyone around us?
Not every one of us will stand before crowds on a stage. Not every one of us will stand on a park bench before a crowd. Not every one of us will stand behind a pulpit. Not everyone will travel to a foreign country to live among the people there. But every one of us has the distinct privilege of sharing the good news—that King Jesus offers terms of peace with those who are in rebellion against him—declaring the same news that saved us from our just condemnation and brought us eternal life.
While there is no passage of Scripture that says, “Every Christian must share the gospel with 12 people each week,” the call to the disciples echoes down to us nearly 2,000 years after Jesus delivered the commission to “Go.” And not only to us, but also to all of those who have been a part of the church throughout history and around the globe. And this was also the case all through Scripture as the faithful looked for the coming of the Seed who would crush the head of the serpent and be a blessing to all nations.
Within the gospel message, there is more than just the offer of salvation to those who are dead in their sins. To those who have been raised to new life in Christ, it offers the hope of empowerment to live a life pleasing to God. The gospel isn’t just for making disciples but for disciples of Christ to live in and walk in each day. For the unbeliever, the gospel is the good news that his sins can be forgiven. For the believer, the gospel is the good news that he has been forgiven in Christ and that the Spirit now lives in him to keep him from sin and to change him into the image of Christ. The gospel is central to making disciples AND continuing in discipleship.
It is both a responsibility and a privilege to make disciples and to teach them all Jesus commanded. Further, it is a demonstration of our love for the Savior who redeemed us. But it is ultimately the opportunity to be used by God to call people to offer him the worship and praise that he is due as the creator and sustainer of the universe.
Let us all pray for boldness to go down the hall in our own home, to go across the street, to go to the park, to go to the staff break room, to go to another nation to proclaim the glorious good news that Jesus saves sinners from the wrath of God against their sin and then to teach them to obey the commands of their Savior.
- In what ways has your thinking about the responsibility of evangelism changed over time, and what influenced that thinking? Discuss various answers, offering encouragement to those who are timid about sharing the gospel.
- We have all had fears about sharing the gospel with others. How can we overcome these fears and seek to be obedient as witnesses of Jesus? Responses of fear are indicators that we are walking in the flesh and not in the Spirit. However, even those sins that come from our own fear of man have been forgiven in Christ. Some passages to consider about fear include 2 Timothy 1:7–12 and Proverbs 29:25. We should be seeking to encourage one another in fellowship and in prayer as the church in Jerusalem did in Acts 4:23–31. Additionally, some are afraid they will not be able to answer certain questions, but we can become equipped to do so.
- Have you ever found a new recipe or a new app that you just loved and had to tell everyone about? How does this example relate to our proclamation of the gospel? Use this question to provoke thought, not as a guilt trip or a club. Our answer to this question might reveal that we have lost passion about what Jesus has done for us.
- What should be the supreme motivator in fulfilling the great commission? There are many biblically sound reasons: obedience, love for Christ, to prevent suffering, thankfulness, etc. However, passages like Revelation 4:9–11 and 5:8–14 point to the ultimate reason: that Jesus would receive the worship he deserves for giving himself as a sacrifice.
- How could adopting the following phrase encourage us to obey the great commission: “I am responsible to proclaim the good news, not for the response of the people hearing it”? We know that it is the work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of men that brings conviction of sin and regeneration (John 1:12–13, 3:5–8, 16:7–11). God has called us to proclaim the message, not change the heart. Regardless of the outcome, we can trust that he is pleased with us as we share the gospel with others, modeling the grace and truth that characterized Jesus.
Group Prayer
Be sure to pray with your class before you dismiss them.
- Praise God for his power and wisdom to bring about salvation for those who rebel against him.
- Ask God for boldness to open our mouths and proclaim the gospel.
- Thank God for his gift of salvation made possible in Christ’s life, death, and resurrection.